How to generate report
Descriptive name: Give your report a name
Report Type: Select the required report you want to generate.
Survey Response Summary
This report is mostly used as it gives you the results of your survey in a summary format. We suggest you to start off with this report first and then move on to the others.
Survey Scoring Analysis
This report will be greyed out unless you have loaded scoring in your survey under the “Advanced-Optional” tab.
Once you have loaded the scoring, you can select this option to give you stats on specific scoring you might have set against the Question / Answer.
Survey Content Summary
This is report doesn’t give you stats on your responses, but rather a great summary of your questions and options you are sending or have sent to your clients.
Survey Scoring Configuration
This is report doesn’t give you stats on your responses but if you have loaded your survey with specific scoring, this report will give you a great visual representation of your survey scoring.
Individual Response Summary
This report is used if you want to get the result on a specific collector response.
Individual Scoring Analysis
This report is used if you want to get the scoring on a specific collector response. (You need to have loaded the scoring in the survey under the “Advanced-Optional” tab.